Frequently Asked Questions About Independent Medical Evaluations

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For many people, the idea of getting an independent medical evaluation is not something they've considered. The truth is that many people benefit from these evaluations, especially when they are in the middle of a personal injury case.

If you or your client still has questions about these evaluations, these answers will help you.

What Kinds of Cases Might Require an Independent Medical Evaluation?

There are many cases in which you might opt to see an independent medical examiner for an evaluation. These cases include personal injuries, liability injury cases, workers compensation, disability claims, and instances of potential occupational danger. Nursing home negligence and abuse cases might also require an evaluation.

Each case is different, and you may find that your case is very different from others like it. This is why each case requires a professional examination.

What Kind of Professional Performs the Evaluations?

There are many different professionals available for independent medical evaluations. These are physicians just like your family doctor, except that they are removed from the case. These are doctors who are not responsible for the patient's treatment or providing long-term care. They also know that their findings will be used as part of a legal case so they will be as objective as possible. 

Why Are Evaluations So Important?

It is important to consider an evaluation on each side because so much is at stake. You may realize that you need to prove your injuries, and so a legal client may agree to participate in an evaluation with the knowledge that it may be the best way to receive the deserved compensation.

How Can Clients Prepare for Evaluations?

There are a few good ways a client can prepare for their evaluation. First, they should be sure to arrive early. Showing up early gives a client time to relax so they are not going into the room with a lot of stress.

Next, it is important that a client understands the examiner's role. This is important for the client to realize that this individual is objective, meaning they are not on their side but rather a third-party.

Contact a Medical Evaluation Expert Today

Are you getting more serious about getting an independent medical evaluation or requesting one for a case? Contact a professional today to learn more about your options. An evaluation may be helpful for your case and allow you to move forward toward compensation.
